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1.  La matière première

Bois de haute qualité, sol idéal, air pur, eau pure et croissante lente, c'est ce qui constitue Vendia. Une sélection soigneuse des rondins issus de forêts mixtes du centre de la Finlande, gérées de façon durable. Pour chaque arbre utilisé, au minimum deux semis sont plantés.

Metsänomistaja - Vendia valmistuspolku 2

2.  Récolte

En étroite collaboration avec les propriétaires forestiers locaux et les autorités forestières locales, les meilleurs arbres sont choisis et coupés en rondins de façon professionnelle. Les rondins sont ensuite sciés en plis de haute qualité. Ces plis sont hautement résistants à la moisissure et aux intempéries et ont un look exceptionnel.

Puita metsässä - Vendia valmistuspolku 3

3.  Production

Uniquement les plis sans nœuds sont choisis et utilisés pour les couches supérieures apparentes de Vendia. Les planches Vendia sont produites selon le cahier des charges des clients. Une ligne de production éprouvée et une équipe de charpentiers de marine professionnels passionnée permettent de garantir un produit qui répond aux attentes les plus exigeantes.

Viilutus - Vendia valmistuspolku 4

4.  Contrôle qualité

Les nouveaux produits sont testés rigoureusement dans l'atelier de recherche et développement de la société. Avant de quitter la production, chaque planche est scrupuleusement vérifiée par l'équipe de professionnels en charpenterie de marine.


The making of the planks is a handicraft. The selected veneers are loaded in layers so that the surface layers are flawless. The veneers of the inner layers are laid crosswise. This makes the structure strong and flexible in many directions. The planks are transferred to a press where they are pressed at 15kg/cm2 and a temperature of 80 C. 

The boatbuilders receives the Vendia planks in the correct width and lengths ready for use. High-quality, dense and resin-free veneer requires less sanding. The planks are easy to machine and do not crack or break, so there is less wastage in this respect too.

Bluetree 5 - Vendia valmistuspolku 5

Finally, the planks are  in place - at the Blue Tree Boat Builders' workshop it becomes a beautiful, well-shaped and durable part of a modern eco-friendly boat.

Image: Bluetree5 by bluetreeboatbuilders in the UK

Finnia Kanootti

Vendia: carbon sequestering, non-toxic, no microplastic emissions. A beautiful canoe, a traditional rowing boat or a luxury electric yacht - all for sustainable water travel.

Sustainable Vendia

Vendia boat planks have a lower carbon footprint than sawn massive planks. In addition, very little material is wasted. The pine from the Ämmätsä pine forest is fully utilised - it is completely sliced and even the slices that are not of sufficient quality for the boat planks are used, for example, for basketry.

The layered structure stabilises the plank, making it insensitive to transport and storage conditions. The planks can easily be stored in areas with varying humidity and temperature; no energy is required to maintain a constant level of conditions.

The planks are  manufactured in the correct width and length according to the Customers specifications. High-quality, dense and resin-free veneer requires less sanding. During construction, the planks that are easy to work with, do not crack or break, so there is less waste in this respect too.

Vendia planks sequesters carbon, even though its manufacture produces carbon dioxide emissions. The biggest carbon footprint of the material is the non-toxic adhesive that laminates the veneers together. This accounts for around 70% of the Vendia plank's carbon footprint. Vendia planks also have a long carbon sequestration life. The finished plank only sequesters about 20% less carbon than a log growing in the forest. Our carbon footprint estimate is around 160 kilos CO2e per cubic metre of finished product. Wood sequesters around 900 kg of carbon per cubic metre. The carbon sequestration of Vendia board is about 740 kilograms.